Basic Information - Company Details

Company Softing AG, Haar
Industry Industrial goods, automation technology
Business areas Automotive communications technology and diagnostic tools
Industrial communication and control technology
Measurement technology for data networks
ISIN DE0005178008
WKN 517800
Stock exchange symbol SYT
Market segment Prime Standard / Regulated Market
Stock exchanges Frankfurt, XETRA, Stuttgart, Munich, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Berlin-Bremen
Initial listing 16 May 2000
Issue price Euro 14.50
Share class No-par value shares with a mathematical value of EUR 1.00 per share
Share capital EUR 9.105.381
Designated sponsor M.M. Warburg & CO
ICF Kursmakler AG
Main paying agent Clearstream Banking AG
Paying agents Landesbank Baden Württemberg, Stuttgart
Executive Board Dr.-Ing. Dr. rer. oec. Wolfgang Trier (chairman)
Ernst Homolka
Supervisory Board Matthias Weber (chairman)
Andreas Kratzer (deputy chairman)
Dr.-Ing. Klaus Fuchs
Financial year ends on 31 December


Richard-Reitzner-Allee 6
D-85540 Haar

List of Hotels

+49 89 4 56 56-0

+49 89 4 56 56-399
